Friday, February 13


Procrastination. I should be stuck with MS Word and GMFs today but decided to warm the oven after a long time of leaving it in one corner collecting dust. I should have made these from scratch but forgetful me (what's new) left the house without the recipe, so it was the premix to the rescue. I am "sassified" with this batch I must say. They were of the right shape and texture, but definitely not pretty enough. Sigh.

Yeah, and no momma, they are not for anyone special in particular; sorry for the disappointment.



I had ViVi for company while waiting.


The first batch! (Yeah very KS, first batch only has 2 cookies.)





I found a recipe for "Horlicks Doggies Cookies" thanks to An An. They look super cute and sounds really yummy.

Happy Friday 13th. As usual I can feel a fever coming, as it does every year on this day. I don't fall down while walking, or lose things, or fight with friends, I fall sick. That's not so bad come to think of it.

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