Friday, May 15



...are here again. This week sure pass fast. I am officially loving and hating the real working world. Staying back in the office till 8pm is not much of a bother now, just that the expectations and the pressure is enough to kill at times so much so that I was tempted to just drop everything behind, grab my bag and leave. But that would be much cowardly and not-me! I broke down today, but promised to pick myself up. Even if I were a quitter, I would at least do it all nicely and not leave any ends for the rest to pick up for me. Audrey and bengua have been real lifesavers. It was nice how Aud noticed I went into hiding in the toilet. She's such a gem in the office and her presence in the office makes me feel I am not alone in all this mess. No matter how drained I am after work, it is always such a relief to see bengua almost every evening. The company is so lovely that I cannot find the right words to describe that would do it enough justice. Of course, not forgetting the support I get from my chabors through their texts, especially when the work gets super tough in the middle of the afternoons. TBH, I wish to end this all already. It was a challenge, I took it up and did my best. I just want to be happy. That is all matters to me.

But first, chalet tomorrow with the class peeps, plus perhaps nonya music on saturday evening to look forward to!

My positivity bank is running dry already. Help! Hanging by the thread.

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